
We are located at 611 Blanchard Road in Coyote, California, 95013.  Blanchard Road is located off of Monterey Road between Metcalf Road (to the north) and Bailey Avenue (to the south), next to the Metcalf Energy Center power plant. 

Blanchard Road is a private drive - please drive slowly!

From the south: Hwy 101, exit Bailey Avenue, head west to Monterey Road and turn right.  Go north to (next stop light) Blanchard Road.  Turn left at the stop light and head over the railroad tracks.  Keep going straight past the first house on the right.

From the north: Hwy 85 or 101, exit Bernal Road and go right (west) and follow the signs to Monterey Road.  Head south for two miles to Blanchard Road.  Use the exit lane prior to the stop light, turn right onto Blanchard Road and head over the railroad tracks.  Keep going straight past the first house on the right.